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Santa Monica DUI Attorney

Penalties for DUI

In California, the penalties for DUI are as follows:

  • First time offender – Up to $1,000 in fines, drivers’ license suspension for up to 10 months, mandatory DUI education classes for up to 9 months, probation, up to 6 months in jail
  • Second time offender – Drivers’ license suspension for up to 2 years, mandatory DUI education classes for up to 30 months, probation, up to six months in jail (96-hour minimum sentence)
  • Third time offender – Drivers’ license suspension for up to 3 years, mandatory DUI education classes for up to 30 months, probation, up to 1 year in jail (120-day minimum sentence)
  • Fourth time offender – Drivers’ license suspension for up to 3 years with no possibility of a restricted license, up to 3 years in prison (180-day minimum sentence in county jail)

At Lessem & Newstat, we have addressed a large number of DUI cases, and we understand how complex and difficult they can be. We also understand that the best results are often achieved when a prosecutor knows that we are prepared and willing to take a case all the way to trial. If you are facing charges for DUI, underage DUI, or vehicular manslaughter, we urge you to contact a Santa Monica criminal defense attorney at our firm today. We will investigate the charges against you and devise a comprehensive defense strategy for your case. If your case does proceed to trial, we will have the resources at our disposal to fight aggressively for an outcome that is favorable to you.

Charged with DUI? Contact a Santa Monica DUI attorney who is prepared to work tirelessly to bring about a positive resolution to your case.

DMV Hearings

DUI charges bring about two separate legal proceedings. The first is a criminal case, in which you will face punishment in the form of fines, probation, or jail/prison time. The second is a DMV hearing, in which you will face the possible suspension of your drivers’ license for a period of months or years. In addition to your criminal case, our firm can provide you with representation in your DMV hearing that is designed to help you avoid the loss of your driving privileges.

We can also represent you if you reside in MalibuWestwood, and Venice.